EMSV Meeting & AGM
Sunday 20th October 2:30 pm Players’ afternoon followed by AGM, at Canterbury - all welcome.
Non-members: email emsvofvic@gmail for details of the meeting and venue.
AGM: Only EMSV members can participate in the AGM. (AGM expected to run for about 30 minutes from 4.30 pm)
Saturday 9th November 2:30 pm Players’ afternoon, at Park Orchards
Sunday 8th December, 2:30 pm Players’ afternoon and Christmas BBQ, at Park Orchards.
WANTED to buy: Bass viol, 6 or 7 string. Please contact Matt Bond on 0408 995 556 or by email mattbond at fhdesigns.com.au
EMSV INSTRUMENTS FOR HIRE for a fee. Only EMSV members may hire the instruments.
The EMSV harpsichord is currently available for hire. Details are available at http://emsv.org.au/hire-instruments or to check the hire status, email Liz Zetzmann through the EMSV email address: emsvofvic@gmail.com
The EMSV bass viol is available for hire. Contact Peter Brewer via the EMSVemail if you want to hire the viol : emsvofvic@gmail.com
Both instruments are rented out for 6 weeks at a time. The hire period can be extended if no one else requests the instrument.
Only EMSV members can hire the harpsichord or bass viol. EMSV membership costs $15.