EMSV Instrument hire & instruments for sale


Only financial members of the Early Music Society can hire the HARPSICHORD or BASS VIOL.

Both instruments are currently available.

Please download the hire form and contact Liz Zetzmann for the harpsichord and Peter Brewer for the bass viol  - both via the EMSV email (emsvofvic@gmail.com).


Currently (March 2025)  the EMSV bass viol and the harpsichord are available for short term hire.



Soprano Shawm in C, A440. Please contact Bronwen Algate by email: browniebeazen at gmail.com

Bass viol  6 or 7 string .         Please contact Matt Bond on 0408 995 556 or by email mattbond at fhdesigns.com.au

Treble recorder wanted, A415. Please contact Meredith Beardmore, by email: meredith.r.beardmore@gmail.com


Selling instruments or music:

EMSV members wishing to advertise suitable early musical instruments or music, should send the details of the instrument or music, and price to the emsvofvic@gmail.com email address and if suitable it will be listed on this web page.

The EMSV only lists non-A440 recorders. Modern pitch recorders - see the Victorian Recorder Guild.

Please notify us as soon as the item is sold or withdrawn from sale. Items will be deleted after 3 months if not sold.

Bass Viol Hire Form: 

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