About the EMSV

The Early Music Society of Victoria (Australia) encourages the enjoyment of European mediaeval, renaissance and baroque music.
It runs events such as players' and singers' afternoons, soirées and public concerts.  New members and visitors are most welcome at all activities.

EMSV Members receive "What's On in early music" emails every 2 or 3 weeks and may view the latest version on this website in the Members' section. To insert concert notices or instruments for sale, email Jim Bland through the EMSV email address emsvofvic@gmail.com


To join the EMSV click HERE for the membership application form (Annual subscription $15 per email address) and  instrument hire forms.



The Early Music Society of Victoria, (EMSV) Australia, was established in 1979.

Through its activities it encourages and promotes the performance and enjoyment of mediaeval, renaissance and baroque music.

Music written before 1750 is a particularly rich source for ensemble players of modest technique and this is the main focus of our meetings.

The society's aims are:

1. to promote interest in early European music and period style musical instruments, and to present musical performances in as authentic a manner as possible.

2. to encourage and provide facilites for amateur music-making of the medieval, renaissance and baroque periods on period style instruments.

3. to sponsor public recitals by both members and nonmembers who can establish a high standard of performance.

4. to keep members informed of Victorian early-music activities, principally through circulation of a regular email "What's On in Early Music" and this website.


Regular bi-monthly meetings workshop pieces for authentic-style instruments and singers from medieval, renaissance and baroque periods. Music is provided.

All members are invited to participate, either as singers or playing authentic style instruments such as viola da gamba (viols), recorder, sackbut, curtal, dulcian, shawm, cornett, harpsichord, baroque violin, baroque cello, lute, theorbo etc

Individual members or groups are also able to perform short items at the meetings.


Notices of all early music interest concerts and events in Victorian are sent out to EMSV members every 2 to 3 weeks.
Items listed must be >50% ‘early’ (European medieval, renaissance or baroque up to 1750) and instruments played must be period instruments. Please let Jim Bland know of any concerts coming up, or corrections. Send concert notices in word format (not in pdf) to emsvofvic@gmail.com (Jim Bland).

The What's On event list is emailed to EMSV members only.


Membership Application Form : 

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